The team bring years of real-world experience from precious metal recycling and recovery, speciality chemicals, hazardous wastes, plastics and waste electronics recycling.
Our journey in aluminium began when we came together to use our hydrometallurgical and chemical expertise to explore ways to help the aluminium industry manage and recycle scrap aluminium and the resulting wastes.
We quickly discovered the capacity of scrap and wastes to evolve explosive and toxic gases when exposed to water, initiating hydrolysis reactions generating copious amounts of gas, including hydrogen, ammonia, phosphine and hydrogen sulphide. In addition, these reactions are also highly exothermic; safety was a real concern.
We discovered and patented a novel way to suppress the hydrolysis during water processing and developed and deployed it to create safe working environments while processing. It also negated the risk of gaseous emissions to atmosphere which makes for easier environmental permitting.
Over the years our development work was supported by UKRI and Innovate UK and during this period we scaled up and commercialised the technology with automated plants using the suppression technology which are now operational in Europe.
We also discovered how to selectively use suppression so that processing could be carried out safely whilst promoting some reactivity for its useful characteristics, particularly exotherm and hydrogen generation.
More recently utilising our knowledge of how to sort, separate and downsize aluminium and our deep understanding of its gassing characteristics we began to focus on hydrogen, realising the pressing need for solutions to generate green hydrogen that did not require energy, green or otherwise, culminating in:-
HYDRALYSIS = HYDRogen from ALuminium using hydrolYSIS.
Now we are following the same path, rapidly scaling HYDRALYSIS and bringing it to market to realize the benefits of this game changing approach as quickly as possible.
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